Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the practice of improving a website’s performance, or “optimization,” according to user data that Google uses to calculate its page rank algorithm.
To understand CRO, it’s important to understand what a website’s conversion is. A website’s conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who actually convert into action on that website.
For example, if someone visits a website and never registers an email address or subscribes to a newsletter, the website’s conversion rate is 0%. If someone uses a website to sign up for a trial, the website’s conversion rate is 100%.
Conversion optimization is one of the most important marketing strategies you can have. It helps you get the highest possible conversion rate for your website.
If you take care of your conversion rate, you’ll have a much higher chance of getting the most out of your website. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult strategies to optimize. You need to know what you’re doing, and you need to understand your audience.
This is a process of designing and testing websites and marketing campaigns to generate the highest possible number of website conversions for your business. These are the actions you take to ensure that the people who visit your website are the right ones who are most likely to buy your product or service.
Of course, this is an exceptionally broad topic and there are many tactics that can be used when optimizing your conversion rates. You can always discover graphic design company, among best graphic design companies, to establish strong brand identity to engage clients.
This article is going to outline some of the best tips and tricks for website optimization based on the type of business you run and the size of your marketing budget.
What is Conversion Rate Optimization?
Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a process of increasing the percentage of visitors who actually convert and take action on the website.
CRO can be applied to any type of conversion-based business, and it’s made up of four core principles:
- A solid understanding of your target audience
- Clear messaging so that your website’s message is conveyed effectively
- Maximizing clicks on your ads through smart placement and optimizing ad copy
- Testing different layouts so that you can find the best one
How Can I Optimize CRO?
When it comes to marketing and selling your product, you’re probably already itching to get started. But before you do, it’s important that you have a strategy. Look at your product, your target audience, and your competition.
Here are some of the surefire tactics on how to optimize your website’s conversion rates.
Define your goal
It’s important to define the goal of a CRO before making any changes to a website. The goal is to increase the conversion rate, but what does that mean? Is it increasing the number of visitors who visit the website, or is it increasing the number of visitors who take action on that website?
If you want more visitors to come from your website, you can use social media advertising to grow a following and then promote those followers to visit your site.
If you want more visitors to sign up for your service, for example, and be engaged with your company’s marketing emails, CRO tactics should focus on getting people onto your email list.
This will be different if you are trying to increase sales through your website. For that goal, CRO will likely focus on reducing links in order to decrease distractions, so customers stay focused for a longer period of time and offer higher-priced items once they are ready.
There are many places where you can spend money when optimizing conversion rates: hiring someone full-time or part-time for SEO work (or outsourcing), investing in software tools like Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools by Google, and working with an agency specializing in conversion optimization.
Split Test the Landing Page
There are a lot of reasons why a website’s conversion rate might be low. Sometimes, it’s because the visitor came to the website for one specific action and didn’t convert into what the company wanted them to do.
For example, if a visitor came to a company’s website to sign up for an account but then left without registering for anything, then the conversion rate is 50%.
This is where split testing comes in handy.
A split test is when you compare two versions of your landing page (the part of your site that first loads after someone clicks on your homepage or advert) and let Google decide which one performs better.
For example, you might have two slightly different versions of your homepage: one with pictures and one without. You would keep track of which version gets more conversions and make that version the default landing page in Google Analytics.
What if a website has already done lots of split tests? Should you keep going?
Yes, you should keep doing split tests as long as it’s profitable to do so! It’s important to always be on top of new trends in CRO so that you can improve your conversion rates.
There will always be things that could be improved about your site – whether that’s the layout or design, copywriting, or content placement – so don’t stop testing!
Use Video and Data Analysis
Video is a great way to increase a website’s conversion rate. Many users see video as the most engaging content for them, and most online shoppers make a purchase after watching a video ad.
Video is a great way to showcase a product from all angles, the buyers can see its size’ live’ and they can see how it works by watching the person in the video handling it. Therefore, video is much more convincing than a mere photo, and it can help your CRO.
With data analysis, you can find the best-performing pages on your site based on visitors who converted. You can then use that information to redesign other pages with similar goals in mind.
With CRO, it’s possible to increase your conversion rates and turn more of your traffic into customers. It’s important to use SEO or CRO because if you don’t, your website will not be visible to the public!
Make the First Interaction as Painless as Possible
The first interaction a website visitor has with the website is crucial. A visitor should be able to do what they want on the first page, without having to read long chunks of text or fill out complicated forms.
For example, if someone visits a software company’s homepage, the person should be able to download the software in just seconds instead of filling out a form.
Or, if someone visits a clothes retailer’s homepage, that person should be able to find their size and check out within seconds instead of reading through pages of text about sizing charts.
Optimize Content and Display
Content is one of the most important aspects of CRO. The more relevant content a website has, the more conversions it will have.
If a website sells pet supplies, what would be some good content to include on that website?
A blog post about the different types of cat food brands and their pros and cons would be an example of relevant content that could increase conversions.
Another tactic for CRO is to optimize a website’s display, meaning which elements are most visible on a site or how it displays information.
For example, if you have a pop-up box asking visitors for their email addresses, you may want to make sure that box is displayed in view when people first visit your site, so they don’t miss it. If people have to scroll down before they see the box, then there’s a chance they won’t see it at all. As mentioned earlier, that could reduce your conversion rate significantly.
Add a Chatbot to Your Website
A chatbot, or a conversational interface, is a computer program that attempts to mimic human conversation. Chatbots are increasingly popular as they provide great customer service.
If you want to increase your conversion rates by adding a chatbot to your website, there are two things you will need to do. You will need an artificial intelligence (AI) engine and software that can make sense of natural language inputs and grammar.
Focus on the Speed of Your Site
When people visit a website, the first thing they look for is how quickly it loads. If a website takes too long to load, visitors are less likely to stay on that site. Many people won’t wait more than 5-10 seconds before they will leave the page.
A high-speed website is an attractive and effective conversion rate optimization tactic because it has the capability to decrease your bounce rate by a significant number.
Final Words
You want to get the most bang for your buck. SEO may be a terrific way to increase the number of visitors to your website, but you must ensure that those visitors are actually contributing to your bottom line. CRO can help with this.
It is possible to dramatically enhance the number of leads and sales generated by your website by using effective conversion rate optimization tactics. It is also less expensive to concentrate on CRO than many other methods of raising sales, such as introducing more items or increasing visitors.
Website CRO is so much more than just tweaking your website so it looks pretty. It’s about finding ways to make your site as attractive and easy to use as possible for your target audience!